How To Fix Slippery Badminton Shoes – Fixing Problem 2023

Written By Coaching Expert
How To Fix Slippery Badminton Shoes – Fixing Problem 2023

Slipping and sliding around the badminton court can be a natural hazard, and the last thing you want when playing the game is to be at risk of injuring yourself.

But don’t worry. There’s a way to make sure your badminton shoes won’t be a slippery menace.

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix slippery badminton shoes.

Whether you’ve got a brand-new pair or a pair worn for a few games, this guide has got you covered.

From enhanced grip to improved stability, this guide will help you ensure your badminton shoes are up to the challenge of the court.

So, get ready to put your game face on and read on to learn the best ways to fix your slippery badminton shoes.

Why Badminton Slippery Shoes are a Problem

Why Badminton Slippery Shoes are a Problem

Slippery badminton shoes can be a real problem for players! They can cause severe injuries and impede your ability to perform well in the game.

Not only that, but slippery shoes can be uncomfortable and can cause blisters or other foot problems.

The main reason slippery badminton shoes are such a problem is their lack of grip. When you play badminton, you need to be able to move quickly and change directions rapidly, which requires a good grip on the floor.

Without a good grip, your feet can easily slip out from under you, leading to painful falls and potentially serious injuries.

Another issue is that slippery badminton shoes can cause blisters and other foot problems. If your feet are slipping inside your shoes, it can cause friction on your skin, resulting in painful blisters or hot spots.

This can be especially problematic if you’re playing on a hard court surface, as the friction is even greater.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce the slipperiness of badminton shoes. It’s essential to buy the right size of shoes for your feet, as this will ensure that they fit snugly and won’t slip around too much. Additionally, using insoles or other supports in your shoes is a good idea to provide extra cushioning and grip.

Finally, it’s essential to clean your shoes regularly and replace them when necessary – old and worn-out shoes can become even more slippery over time.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your badminton shoes provide the right amount of grip and cushioning to play at your best without slipping and sliding around.

The Best Ways to Fix Slippery Shoes

The Best Ways to Fix Slippery Shoes

There are different ways you can approach fixing slippery badminton shoes. You can clean and prep the shoes, apply a non-slip spray, use sandpaper, or apply tape.

Each of these has its advantages, so we recommend trying out a few different methods to find the best one for your shoes.

Clean and prep the shoes – Before trying other methods, we highly recommend cleaning and prepping your boots. Badminton shoes tend to get dirty fairly quickly, and you will want a clean and fresh surface to work with.

Once the shoes are clean, it’s time to prep them. This can be done in a few different ways, but the easiest is to use a towel and some water or a damp cloth to wipe down the shoes.

This will help you get rid of any extra dirt or debris on the shoes, which will help you get a better grip and traction.


Use a Non-slip Spray

Use a Non-slip Spray

Spray the inside of your shoes with a high-quality non-slip spray to improve traction and grip. This is an excellent option if you want to fix your shoes quickly, but don’t have time to clean them first.

Make sure you’re using a high-quality spray, preferably one that’s made specifically for athletic shoes.

Spray the inside of the shoe with the non-slip spray and let it dry. Make sure you don’t walk around while the shoes are wet, as this could cause the spray to get on the outside of the shoes and damage the material.


Use Sandpaper

Use Sandpaper

If you want to go the extra mile and make sure your badminton shoes have maximum traction, you can also use sandpaper to buff the inside of the shoes.

You’ll want to start with wonderful sandpaper and do a thorough job, so you don’t end up with rough edges.

This is a longer process than just spraying the inside of the shoes with non-slip spray, but you may find it gives you a better long-term solution for improved traction.


Use Tape

Use Tape

Finally, you can use tape to give your shoes a better grip. There are a few different ways you can go about this, but the easiest way is to wrap the inside of the shoe with athletic or sports tape.

This is an effective method that won’t take too long. Plus, you can use it with non-slip spray if you want to ensure the shoes have the maximum traction.

Additional Tips for Improving Traction

Additional Tips for Improving Traction

If your badminton shoes are still too slippery even after trying all the above methods, you’ll want to ensure you’re taking care of your shoes properly.

This will help you maintain the grip and traction of your shoes for longer and keep them from getting too worn out too quickly.

Make sure you clean your shoes after every game. Badminton shoes are typically pretty durable, but like any other type of shoe, they’ll get dirty over time.

This can reduce the traction on the inside of your shoes, so ensure you clean them after every game.

Keep your badminton shoes in good condition.

Badminton shoes are typically made from synthetic materials, and synthetic materials are very durable. However, they do need to be taken care of properly to maintain their longevity.

Ensure you’re storing your shoes properly and cleaning them after every use. This will help maintain the grip and lifespan of your shoes.

What to do to keep the Shoe Grip in Better Condition?

If you want to make sure your badminton shoes are as slippery-free as possible, you’ll want to ensure you’re taking care of them regularly.

This will help you maintain maximum traction and grip on the inside of the shoes. Make sure you clean your badminton shoes after every game.

As I mentioned above, badminton shoes will get dirty over time, which can reduce the grip’s effectiveness.

You’ll want to ensure you’re cleaning your shoes after every game so they stay in good condition and you have the maximum traction.

Make sure you’re storing your shoes properly. After cleaning your shoes, you’ll also want to ensure you’re keeping them properly.

Badminton shoes can be stored in various ways, but the easiest is using a shoe bag. This will help protect your shoes and keep them looking good for longer.


Badminton shoes may be a good investment in the future. Once you have the right pair of shoes and know how to fix slippery badminton shoes, you’ll want to keep playing the game for many years.

Badminton is a fun and exciting game to play, and it’s great for building social connections, staying active, and improving coordination.

So, ensure you have the proper tools and techniques for fixing slippery badminton shoes so that you can enjoy the game to the fullest.

Now, all that’s left to do is put these tips into practice and walk confidently to the badminton court, knowing your shoes won’t threaten your safety.


Why are badminton courts so slippery?

Badminton courts are slippery for a couple of reasons, but the most important one is that they are made of a unique material called “slick flooring,” designed to be durable and slippery. Slick flooring is made up of a combination of rubber and plastic, and the plastic helps to reduce friction and make it easier to slide across the court. The slick flooring helps to make the game more enjoyable, as it allows players to move quickly and easily between shots.

Are new shoes more slippery?

New shoes will be more slippery because most of them are made with smooth leather or synthetic material, which can be pretty slippery when it’s new. However, some shoes have a more textured material that can provide a better grip and make them less slippery. For instance, if you’re looking at a pair of running shoes, they usually have a more textured sole designed to provide better traction and grip. This can make them less slippery than some other types of shoes. Additionally, some materials may become less slippery as they age and wear in. This is especially true for leather shoes, which can develop a patina over time making them less tricky.

Which sole is best for badminton?

The best sole for badminton depends on the surface you are playing on and your personal preference. Generally, players who play on wooden courts should opt for a non-marking sole as this will reduce the chances of damaging the court. Additionally, players who play mainly outdoors may prefer a more durable sole that can handle the wear and tear of outdoor surfaces. For indoor players, a softer sole with a good grip is usually best. This ensures that you can move quickly around the court while still having enough traction to make quick direction changes and keep your footing. Ultimately, the best sole for badminton comes down to the surface you play on, how much you move around the court, and your individual preference.

Jeff Necessary
I am Jeff Necessary, sportswriter extraordinaire. I have been writing for the past 20 years and have seen it all in my time. From playing to coaching to being an outspoken commentator, I've done it all. I've written about everything from soccer, football, hockey, basketball, and baseball games to interviews with athletes of every caliber imaginable. Along the way, I developed a knack for witty commentary that keeps readers coming back for more!